Tuesday, January 1, 2008

The One Environmental Issue

In the New York Times article The One Environmental Issue, the author discusses the critical issue of global warming and the fact that it is mostly the Democratic candidates who are taking those issues into their own hands by creating methods of transforming the way America uses and produces energy. The [unknown] author also goes on to state how the Republicans haven't gone much far with this issue, with the exception of John McCain. More than half of the state senators are now reaching agreements to lower greenhouse gases. Democratic candidates are also stating that they will "seek global accord" in order to reduce emission, and some are even willing to join with big emitters like China, early on in their administrations. The author uses a direct tone to emphasize how much we need a candidate who is willing to give honest accounts on the issue.

Clarification- Has the issue of global warming been taken into consideration more because of the presidential elections?
Application- If the issue of Global Warming was ignored, how would we be affected (as a nation)?


Selene Millan said...

alot of the candidates are taking global warming more seriously and thats making them alot more popular than other ones :D

Marilyn Bran said...

True i agree on what ur sister said because i think it does make them more popular with the people who believe in global warming. [HI SELESTE! MY BLOG IS UP AGAIN! lol]

Edson said...

Hey let's all save the world from the hot gases and recycling! I think that the Democratic party, is wasting time in reducing global warming. Obviously, global warming has been occuring for centuries and 99% of the time is irreversible. Global warming is a natural occurence, that has been going on for thousand of years. Humans, not drastically impacted to the respective belief. Humans have only contributed to about less than 5% of the green house gases. Oh man, we are sure going to do a lot by investing millions of dollars for their proposed projects. We should plan on containing it, but what can we do to adapt to it. And perhaps, even creating vehicles, far less dependent on gasoline. That issue sounds reasonable. BEING MORE ECONOMICALLY REASONABLE, OR JUST PLAIN REASONABLE. That's it. We can actually do something to change the world.

Edson said...

typos. We shouldn't.
And I misplaced some haves. By the way, Happy New Year to you and family.

Kimberly Montenegro said...

well im not really that good with politics....but...i do find this to be true....i think that democratic candidates ARE the ones who take global warming and enviornmental issues more seriously...why? idk...but it might have to do something with al gore and his movie thingie...and as they saw how people began to look up to him for his "kindness with nature" perhaps they are deciding to use "helping the enviornment" as a way to receive more votes and become more popular amongst the other presidential candidates...

LiSt Of.............

  • Fave Show: Heroes
  • Fave TV Character: Nathan Petrelli
  • Fave Song: "Feeling A Moment" by Feeder
  • Fave Band: Feeder
  • Other Fave Shows: Prison Break, Smallville, Bones
  • Fave Color: Dark Blue
  • Fave Book: East of Eden
  • Fave Movie: Pride & Prejudice

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Genius Art!!
I painted it!!!..................jk Courtesy of Jenny's Husband: Mr. Issac Mendez :P