Sunday, May 4, 2008

Gonzalez and Daughter Trucking Co.

Gonzalez & Daughter Trucking Co., written by Maria Amparo Escandon, expresses the journey faced by a woman in search for individuality and the hardships that sometimes come with belonging to two cultures. The novel describes Libertad Gonzalez, a prisoner in Mexico, as she creates a weekly Library Club and reads to her fellow inmates. Instead of reading books from the lirary, she ends up telling the story of her life on the road with her father, the situations she faced as she grew older and the encounter with one man that made her rebel against him. Escandon writes about the independence that individuals begin to feel as they approach maturity.
This novel was enjoyable because it connected with me as a Mexican-American girl, and the plot, characters and situations were great as well.

Question: Is a person's decision to rebel influenced by the people around them or is it an inward desire?

1 comment:

Lorie said...

This is a very good intellectual question. I guess it'd have to be a little bit of both. The people around one will always influnce one whether it's good or bad, but that last step to rebel depends on the person him/herself. So then i guess you can say it comes from within, because we're the ones who end up rebelling, the people around us just made it seem a little more reasonable or easier to do.

LiSt Of.............

  • Fave Show: Heroes
  • Fave TV Character: Nathan Petrelli
  • Fave Song: "Feeling A Moment" by Feeder
  • Fave Band: Feeder
  • Other Fave Shows: Prison Break, Smallville, Bones
  • Fave Color: Dark Blue
  • Fave Book: East of Eden
  • Fave Movie: Pride & Prejudice

Genius Art!!

Genius Art!!
I painted it!!!..................jk Courtesy of Jenny's Husband: Mr. Issac Mendez :P